We are experiencing Autumn weather in December this year. The weather is really playing up these days. Just can't plan ahead and the weather people don't seem to be having a good time with their prognosis either. I was just looking out the window as the light was fading and I saw these clouds coming over moving quite fast. I just ran for the nearest camera and it happened to have the Canon FDn 35 f2 on it.
Since I took this picture I've tested the lens more thoroughly and have come to the conclusion that there are sharper lenses out there (or I picked up a bad copy). Stop it down to around f8 and it's sharp, but that isn't what I bought an F2 lens for. I want to use it at f2, but if it isn't sharp at that aperture then what's the point right?
BTW, this was taken at aroung f5.6.