Dil Roberts Photography


Monday, May 1, 2023

M.Zuiko Digital ED 12-200 f3.5-6.3


If there was ever a travel lens made then this lens could be it. Covering a 35mm equivalent focal range of 24-400mm it is a jack of all trade, a master of none.Having said that I personally am happy with the image quality at all focal lengths although it is not crispy sharp at the long end. But for my purposes tack sharp images from corner to corner at all focal lengths is not a ...


posted by Dil on 05/01/23 19:00  under Lenses

comments (0)  704

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Olympus E-M5 Series Cameras


Presently there are 3 iterations of the E-M5 camera; the original E-M5, E-M5 II and the E-M5 III. Olympus kept that nice and simple for us.

E-M5 series cameras



When I purchased the Olympus E-M1 camera I thought it produced the best looking images I had seen up to that point. Then came the E-M5 and the E-M5 II. I looked at the images again and thought they were much better than the E-M1 in ...


posted by Dil on 04/01/23 19:00  under Cameras

comments (0)  671

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Tripods and Their Heads


Some time ago I bought a fountain pen because I like writing with a fountain pen (pretty old fashioned eh?). But like everything else you have to like something to keep using it, and use it well. Because I didn't really connect with the first pen I bought, I bought another one. That was ok too but I felt there was a pen out there just waiting to be bought that would suit me to ...


posted by Dil on 03/01/23 19:00  under General

comments (0)  691

Saturday, February 11, 2023

iPhone 11 Images




All the following images were taken by my wife. She doesn't have a camera but she does possess an iPhone 11. I'll be updating this post as she sends me the images she likes. I must admit, it really does take good images. Hope you like these.




iPhone 10

All the images were imported into Lightroom.





iPhone 10

Some enhancements were done on all images but not overdone.


posted by Dil on 02/11/23 15:30  under Cameras

comments (0)  802

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Panasonic Lumix 14 f2.5 I


Small and very light weighing in at a mere 55g it packs a bigger punch than it's reputation. Just my opinion of course. It's actually so small it looks out of place on the bigger MFT bodies. It's a 28mm equivalent on FF so it might not suit everybody.


However, mount it on one of the smaller bodies like a GM1 or GM5 and you have a perfect carry everywhere camera system.


Panasonic GM5 - Panasonic 14 f2.5


posted by Dil on 02/01/23 19:00  under Lenses

comments (0)  695

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Panasonic GX7 - Panasonic LUMIX G 35-100 f4.0-5.6


After my recent post about small, light lenses I decided to go back and look for images that were taken with the Panasonic GX7 which started all my thought process about the GX series from Panasonic.

I found some images taken with the Panasonic 35-100 f4.0-5.6 lens. It is really small and light and produces some lovely images. Together with it's little brother, the 12-32 f3.5-4.6 these two lenses are my favourites to take along somewhere ...


posted by Dil on 01/15/23 19:00  under Cameras

comments (0)  683

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Rediscovering Old-New Cameras


Don't you love it when you rediscover something you really hadn't seen for some time? It's like meeting an old friend you haven't seen in ages. This happened to me when I went through my camera gear as my interest was re-vitalized again after a long break. I came across the Panasonic GX7 and realized it really feels good in my hand. Looking through the viewfinder (which isn't the best) and realized it tilts up ...


posted by Dil on 01/01/23 19:00  under Cameras

comments (0)  734

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Small Light Prime Lenses


This post is actually just to say hello again after a longish break and I plan to start posting againso there will be more to follow. Quite a few of these will be about some new hardware that has been added to my shelves during my 3 year absence. I hope will join me on my journey again.

I lost my way somewhat as well as my mojo but thankfully my interest has been rekindled ...


posted by Dil on 12/18/22 19:00  under General

comments (0)  697

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Olympus E-PL1-Olympus 14-150 f4-5.6


The Olympus E-PL1 was the first interchangeable lens camera that I really enjoyed using. It also impressed me with what was possible in this strange world I had stumbled into. My first "real" digital camera was the Canon 300D but that had some major drawbacks at the time. For me the E-PL1 had it all. I purchased the 14-150 f4-5.6 with the camera and I was thrilled with the performance and image quality. The colour ...


posted by Dil on 12/07/22 19:00  under Cameras

comments (0)  739

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Fujifilm X-H1


This was not a planned purchase at all, I just came across it while looking through a well known auction site. It had such a good price on it, no problems with the camera itself and the seller assured me it was in 100% working order. I couldn’t say no.

The reasoning behind the purchase was the body form. I.E. I feel that lenses such as the 18-135 f3.5-5.6 is just too heavy for bodies such ...


posted by Dil on 12/01/19 19:00  under Cameras

comments (0)  1615

Friday, November 1, 2019

Olympus 12-200 f3.5-6.3 ED


If you’re looking for an all-in-one lens from the Olympus stable right now you have two choices. The first one is the 12-100 f4 which has been out for a couple of years, and now you have the 12-200 f3.5-6.3.


Lets have a look at the specs of this lens:



Olympus 12-200 f3.5-6.3 ED




Olympus 12-200 f3.5-6.3
Weight: 455g
Size: 78mm x 100mm
Aperture: f3.5 - f22
MFD: 22cms
Filter: 72mm
Price: €900

Not quite as heavy as the ...


posted by Dil on 11/01/19 19:00  under Lenses

comments (0)  1866

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Panasonic FZ1000


Well, what a turn-up for the books this camera is. If I remember rightly I recently mentioned these bridge cameras in one of my posts and I briefly thought about purchasing one. I looked at the pricing and they really were too expensive - especially the Sony offerings.

I was actually thinking about my trip to France again and know what I have ahead of me during our stay. I was wondering if I could ...


posted by Dil on 10/01/19 19:00  under Cameras

comments (0)  1647

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Fujifilm XC lenses


My Fuji system is small and light with superb XF lenses and the cameras are a joy to use. They have a plethora of small light and quite bright prime lenses and they really shine too.

Since the introduction of the X-T30 and X-T3, Fuji have finally cracked the autofocus speed problem that their earlier cameras had. Not that they were really bad, it's just that other system cameras were a lot better. I took the ...


posted by Dil on 09/01/19 19:00  under Lenses

comments (0)  1988

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Sailing Around The Aeolian Islands



Background Information.
In 2016 the wife and myself, together with a few friends did a sailing trip around the Amalfi Coast in Italy. It was the first time for all of us to do this sort of thing except for one person who had done a similar trip in Greece a few years earlier. She argued that she really enjoyed it and we should do the same in Italy. We were actually looking for a ...


posted by Dil on 08/01/19 19:00  under General

comments (0)  1996

Monday, July 1, 2019

Lens 'GAS'


I'm sure you've all heard the term GAS before. It's very common in photographers who think that the next piece of new kit is going to improve their photography. Of course it doesn't but there's no point preaching to them, because they just want new toys to play with. I'm not sure if Gear Acquisition Syndrome is only symptomatic to photographers, but I'm assuming it isn't.

I know all photographers go through this at some ...


posted by Dil on 07/01/19 19:00  under Lenses

comments (0)  2680

Sunday, July 1, 2018

The Perfect Panasonic Travel Lens Combination




Lens 1. Panasonic 8-18 f2.8-4.0

Panasonic 8-18 f2.8-4.0


Panasonic 8-18 f2.8-4.0


Panasonic 8-18 f2.8-4.0


Panasonic 8-18 f2.8-4.0
Weight: 315g
Size: 88mm x 73mm
Aperture: f2.8 - f22
MFD: 23cm
Filter: 67mm
Price: €1050

I decided to replace my Panasonic 7-14 f4 lens because of the problem I have of using it on my Olympus cameras. The purple blotch problem was just getting out of hand and I do tend to favour my Olympus cameras over the Panasonic. However, I think this lens ...


posted by Dil on 07/01/18 19:00  under Lenses

comments (0)  2614

Friday, June 22, 2018

Equipment Changes After My Loire Valley Trip


After going through all of my images from my Loire Valley trip (and deleting some 90% of the images), I have come to the conclusion that a couple of things have to change. I always tend to do this type of thing, it's the only way you're going to find out what works, what doesn't and what you have to change. I normally don't like a post-mortem, but this is exactly what I am doing ...


posted by Dil on 06/22/18 19:00  under General

comments (0)  8640

Friday, June 15, 2018

Loire Valley, France - Day 14


The day didn't look too promising and a lot of rain was forecast. We have been very lucky with the weather, not rained once really, only a few showers and we were able to go out each day. So out came my small camera bag holding the E-M5 II with the Panasonic 7-14 f4 mounted. I also threw in the Panasonic TZ101 because it takes up hardly any room. I had a feeling we were ...


posted by Dil on 06/15/18 19:00  under General

comments (0)  3139

Friday, June 1, 2018

Loire Valley, France - Day 13


Today took us out to two more chateaus, the first being Chateau Langeais. Originally founded in the year 992 today's chateau has no resemblance to the original castle. The old keep itself lies in ruins. It is the second earliest knows chateau and is where the marriage between Anne of Brittany and Charles VIII took place in secrecy (1491), which bonded Brittany to the rest of France. The new chateau, what stands today, was started ...


posted by Dil on 06/01/18 19:00  under General

comments (0)  1742

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Loire Valley, France - Day 12



Chateau Villandry is worth the visit for the gardens alone (as seen in the images below). Most of the Loire Valley chateaus are in quite good condition. Of course some restoration work has had to be done over time, but still, it's easy to see where original stone still exists today. The cost of keeping these buildings in tip-top condition costs a fortune, hence the high entry fee we all have to pay.



posted by Dil on 05/16/18 19:00  under General

comments (0)  2878

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Loire Valley, France - Day 11


Today we moved on from Blois to a little town called Veretz. It's not too far from Chinon (which I always thought was a large town - it isn't) and planned to stay there for the day until our friends turned up later.



Chinon wasn't exactly on the way to Veretz but we had time to spare until our friends came.

We stopped at Chinon (population 8000) for the day before driving further ...


posted by Dil on 05/01/18 19:00  under General

comments (0)  1594

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Loire Valley, France - Day 10


During a trip like this, where you've come to do a certain tour, you need a little break once in awhile. This is exactly what we did today and did something completely different. This is our last day in Blois before moving on.


Beauval Zoo


Beauval Zoo

From the map above you can see how large the zoo is.



Not too far away from Blois situated in the middle of nowhere is one ...


posted by Dil on 04/15/18 19:00  under General

comments (0)  2598

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Loire Valley, France - Day 9



Today was going to be a long drive. Unfortunately it was the only day we could do it on but I wanted to see this location. It was rather cloudy and grey but there wasn't anything we could do about that.


Fontevraud Abbey was founded in 1101 by the hermit Roberts d'Arbrissel for both men and women and was the largest of its kind in France. It is quite large but is only ...


posted by Dil on 04/01/18 19:00  under General

comments (0)  2769

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Wide-angle Lenses



Was it correct to use a wide-angle lens for the above image? Does it work?


During this trip to the Loire Valley I have come to appreciate the value of wide-angle lenses. I am very pleased with the performance of the Panasonic 7-14 f4 (apart from the purple blob problem on Olympus cameras). My first question to myself having used the lens extensively during the last seven days was "Is there anything wider?". ...


posted by Dil on 03/24/18 19:00  under General

comments (0)  6333

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Loire Valley, France - Day 8


Today, for our first visit, we did a village north of the Loire River. All, or most, of the popular chateaus seem to be on the south side of the Loire. I wonder why? Anyway, the first village we visited was Talcy. Of course it also has a chateau. I think every little village in this part of France has a chateau. We didn't visit these villages for the sole purpose of their chateaus, we ...


posted by Dil on 03/15/18 19:00  under General

comments (0)  2710

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Loire Valley, France - Day 7



Today, we did Chaumont-sur-Loire. Built between 1466 and 1510. That's nearly 50 years for a project. You have to let that go through your brain a little to realize how long that really is. Wouldn't work today of course but when you think about the tools they had then, I think they did pretty well to finish it in just under 50 years.



In the above map you can see the location ...


posted by Dil on 03/01/18 19:00  under General

comments (0)  24489

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Loire Valley, France - Day 6


To make up for the disappointment yesterday we headed for two different locations. My shutter therapy is falling short right now!


Our first stop was Cheverny. Built between 1620 and 1634. All the finishing on the towers weren't completed until 1648 however. It's the first chateau to be built as a chateau without any defensive or military purposes in mind. And what a beautiful building it is. I could see me living there too, ...


posted by Dil on 02/15/18 19:00  under General

comments (0)  2076

Friday, February 2, 2018

Battery Usage in Loire Valley, France


I have now used the Olympus E-M1 and E-M5 II extensively for four solid days. One complaint I have is battery consumption. I don't believe it's down to the cameras but to the third party batteries I've purchased. I haven't bought any Olympus original batteries because I had such good experience with the older type batteries used in their older models. I am now possibly regretting my decision to go the same route with these ...


posted by Dil on 02/02/18 19:00  under General

comments (0)  1415

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Loire Valley, France - Day 5


Today we took a break from looking at chateaus, even one chateau per day can be too much at times so we headed out for the town of Orleans. With some 120,000 inhabitants, it's one of the bigger towns in the region and offers some great sights to see. It was the capital of medieaval France until the mid-18th Century. During the French Revolution it bacame stauchly Republican. The cathedral dominates the town (Cathedrale-Ste-Croix) and ...


posted by Dil on 02/01/18 19:00  under General

comments (0)  2412

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Loire Valley, France - Day 4


Apart from being in the Loire Valley to see the great chateaus, I am also here to test some lenses which I mentioned in one of my last posts. I find it a good time to do this because I'm pretty relaxed when I'm on holiday. So today I decided to mount the Tamron 14-150 f3.5-5.8 on the E-M1 and see how things turn out. The last test I carried out with the Tamron was ...


posted by Dil on 01/16/18 19:00  under General

comments (0)  2847

Monday, January 1, 2018

Loire Valley, France - Day 3


We headed south west in the direction of Chenonceaux which is the village that gives it’s name to Chateau Chenonceau. Aptly named as  the “Palace of Women” because over the ages only women have owned and lived in the chateau. Originally built in 1512 by Catherine Briconnet it was Diane de Poitiers who would build the bridge that spans the Cher river. Catherine de Medici then added the galleries over the bridge.



Chenonceau ...


posted by Dil on 01/01/18 19:00  under General

comments (0)  2750

Friday, December 22, 2017

General Notes on Equipment - Micro Four Thirds


This is just a general note on the m43 equipment I use and a few thoughts on how that could change.

The more I use the Panasonic GX7 the more I like it. I can see why some people would find it too small but it fits my hands perfectly, which tells you something about the size of my hands. The Panasonic 7-14 f4 ( while having some problems with flare) has really surprised me by ...


posted by Dil on 12/22/17 19:00  under General

comments (0)  3468

Friday, December 15, 2017

Loire Valley, France - Day 2


The heat is oppressive today. We feel like taking a shower every 15 minutes. Despite this we battled our way to the largest chateau in France, Chambord.


Chambord Location


As you can see from the map above, Chambord isn't far at all from Blois where we were staying for some 10 days. The map shows where a couple of hundred chateaus are situated in the Loire Valley. That's why we chose Blois as ...


posted by Dil on 12/15/17 19:00  under General

comments (0)  2521

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Feedback Request about Image Size - UPDATE



It seems people aren't all that fussy about the size of the images I post so everything stays as is: Images will still be 1200px on the longest side.




As of today I have posted a couple of images on my Photoblog that are 1600px in size rather than the normal 1200px I normally publish.


My question to you out there is: Would you rather I post images at ...


posted by Dil on 12/13/17 19:25  under General

comments (0)  3149

Friday, December 1, 2017

Loire Valley, France - Day 1


Ten hours it took to drive from Frankfurt, Germany to Blois, France. Blois is the regional capital with some 50,000 inhabitants. After finding the flat we had rented for the next 10 days, out we went to see what delights the town could offer.

For those who are curious to know where Blois is, it's right in the middle on the Loire Valley where most of the chateaus of this famous valley lie. From Blois, ...


posted by Dil on 12/01/17 19:00  under General

comments (0)  10628

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Pentax KP


Well, I never thought I'd be writing this post. I suppose you could call me fickle after this. I saw on TheDigitalStory a review of a DSLR and it impressed me so much I actually bought one. I don't  believe it myself really but I just got mailed saying the equipment is on it's way to me.

I've had Pentax in the past and image quality was always tops, especially with their prime lenses which ...


posted by Dil on 11/15/17 19:00  under Cameras

comments (0)  3315

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Exceptional Lenses I Own


An earlier post I did was about "Lens GAS" and all the excellent lenses I would dearly love to own but can't justify. Well, lets see what excellent lenses I do own and can highly recommend.

Since I own quite a few excellent lenses, I'll mention only those I think are outstanding and can recommend all photographers take a look at them (if you own that system of course). If you don't own the system, maybe ...


posted by Dil on 11/01/17 19:00  under Lenses

comments (0)  2878

Monday, October 16, 2017

Manual Focus Lenses I Like


For those of us that like using manual focus lenses, I'm sure that we all have our favourites that we always grab on the way out the door. I have a few so I thought I would mention them here. maybe I can get a few tips an what you like, and maybe, just maybe, you can recommend one that I haven't tried and turns out to be a gem.

I believe this manufacturer to be ...


posted by Dil on 10/16/17 19:00  under Lenses

comments (0)  2869

Monday, October 2, 2017

Lens Envy For The Mirrorless Systems


I'm sure you've all heard the term GAS before. It's very common in photographers who think that the next piece of new kit is going to improve their photography. Of course it doesn't but there's no point preaching to them, because they just want new toys to play with. I'm not sure if Gear Acquisition Syndrome is only symptomatic to photographers, but I'm assuming it isn't.

I know all photographers go through this at some ...


posted by Dil on 10/02/17 19:00  under Lenses

comments (0)  3076

Monday, October 2, 2017

In Need of Your Advice - UPDATE


Scroll down to bottom for Update.


All these posts believe it or not are firstly written by hand and then typed up on my computer at home. Well, that has to stop!! It just takes up too much of my time. And this is where you all come in.

What I’m looking for.
I’m looking for something small and light that I take with me on my travels. I write these posts in txt or rtf ...


posted by Dil on 10/02/17 12:45  under General

comments (0)  2311

Friday, September 15, 2017

Panasonic GX85 and TZ101 Visits Wuerzburg


What better time to test a couple of new cameras than a family weekend in a new city. We do this once a year at around the end of May when everybody seems to have the time before summer starts. We select a different city every year and this year it was Wuerzburg. It’s situated in Bavaria, Germany and all of us can be there within a couple of hours by car.

I’ve already done the ...


posted by Dil on 09/15/17 19:00  under Cameras

comments (0)  2945

Friday, September 1, 2017

Spur of the Moment Purchase - Sony FE 70-300 f4.5-5.6 G OSS



Spur of the moment purchase - Sony FE 70-300 f4.5-5.6 G OSS

Weight: 854g
Size: 144mm x 84mm
Aperture: f4.5-5.6 - f22-f29
MFD: 90mm
Filter: 72
Price: €1250



Sony FE 70-300 f4.5-5.6 G OSS



Sony FE 70-300 f4.5-5.6 G OSS




 Sony FE 70-300 f4.5-5.6 G OSS


Sony FE 70-300 f4.5-5.6 G OSS



Sony FE 70-300 f4.5-5.6 G OSS



Sony FE 70-300 f4.5-5.6 G OSS



Sony FE 70-300 f4.5-5.6 G OSS



Sony FE 70-300 f4.5-5.6 G OSS

Let me just say out front that this was a spur of the moment purchase. Do I need it? No. I just wanted it and for the following ...


posted by Dil on 09/01/17 19:00  under Lenses

comments (0)  3178

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Sony APS-C Camera Update


I know, I've been threatening to do this for some time as I've mentioned in a couple of posts. I've updated my Sony Nex-5N and Nex-7 cameras to an A6000.


I never seem to sell any cameras and I've still got those two models. So, what model did I buy? It's actually an older model, the A6000. I just couldn't justify an A6300/A6500. Just too expensive for what I do with them.

However, I ...


posted by Dil on 08/27/17 19:00  under Cameras

comments (0)  2195

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Less is More


There's a saying "Less is more". And I perceive that as being true in all walks of life but especially where photography is concerned.

One of my problems when going on a trip is deciding which system to take, Fuji, Sony or m43. I'm lucky being able to afford three system simultaneously but on the other hand it does cause some difficulty when going on trips. The question about which system with which lenses to ...


posted by Dil on 08/23/17 19:00  under General

comments (0)  2792

Friday, August 18, 2017

New Lens Expectations




I've been so impressed with the Samyang lenses that I started thinking about them in general. Although they are all manual focus lenses, once you get used to them you really don't miss autofocus at all. Well, that's me speaking of course. Horses for courses and all that.

I now have the 12 f2 for MFT and for Fuji X mount.


Samyang 12 f2


This lens is small, unobtrusive, weighs in at 260g and ...


posted by Dil on 08/18/17 19:00  under Lenses

comments (0)  2878

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Panasonic TZ101 - Initial Impression


Known in Germany as the TZ101 and as Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS100/TZ100 elsewhere (which I haven't a clue as to why) was purchased as my pocketable go anywhere daylight camera. The reason for the daylight is because of it's f5.9 aperture at the long end. As many of you know I like to shoot long and I wanted something small with a longish lens. It didn't have be fast at the long end, that would make ...


posted by Dil on 08/10/17 21:30  under Cameras

comments (0)  2711

Monday, August 7, 2017

Quick Settings for Olympus High Definition Image


1 Go into the Menu and turn on HD image.
2. Select time delay before image is taken.
3. Go to SCP and select HD option.
4. Select sl + raw
5. Limited to ISO 1600. Flash off. Tripod a must.



If anyone would like to add something to this, please do.

posted by Dil on 08/07/17 20:47  under Cameras

comments (0)  3195

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Tamron Firmware Update for their -150 F/3.5-5.8 Di III [Model C001] Lens


It's been a number of weeks since I've posted. Life just gets in the way sometimes.

Update Information


Update Information in Detail


I though the fact that Tamron have brought out a firmware update for their 14-150 F/3.5-5.8 Di III [Model C001] was worth mentioning. I reported some time ago that the lens performed better on my Panasonic GX7 than on any other camera. If you look back at the FW update notes, version 1.1 was actually ...


posted by Dil on 08/05/17 16:13  under Lenses

comments (0)  3171

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Fujifilm X-T20


Having being enchanted by the Fujifilm X-T1 and X-T10, I was really looking forward to purchasing the X-T2 when it came out. Come to think of it I was also looking forward to the Olympus E-M1 II. However, as I realized what the manufacturers were charging for these engineering marvels I sat down and thought it all through again.

The X-T2 is retailing presently in Germany at €1700 and the Olympus E-M1 II is at a ...


posted by Dil on 06/01/17 19:00  under Cameras

comments (0)  2082

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Panasonic GX85 - Initial Impression (Is it a Reborn GX7?)


This is supposed to be the little brother of the GX8. I see the GX85 as the big brother of the GX7, a halfway house if you like. If you look at the images below, you can hardly tell the cameras apart, and I have to hold it and look at it to tell the difference. OK, my G85 is brown which makes it easier to tell which is which, but at the bricks and ...


posted by Dil on 05/17/17 19:00  under Cameras

comments (0)  3464

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Olympus 12-100 f4 Pro - Initial Impression


Not having the willpower to say no to such things, I went ahead and purchased the Olympus 12-100 f4 lens. After looking closely at my use of lenses I came to the conclusion most of my images were taken between 12mm and 200mm and not really being a lover lens changes, the 12-100 f4 would be my ideal “travel” lens.

My last holiday was done with 2 Panasonic GM5 cameras paired with the Panasonic 12-32 ...


posted by Dil on 05/04/17 12:00  under Lenses

comments (0)  4795

Saturday, April 1, 2017

The Ultimate Catalogue

For those interested in Micro Four Thirds or Four Thirds cameras and lenses from all manufacturers today, don't miss this download. It will give you all the data you need from lenses and cameras availble on the market today.


Here's the link


Sorry to the other system users here, I wish all manufacteres had one of these.

posted by Dil on 04/01/17 14:30  under General

comments (0)  1755

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Panasonic-Leica D Vario-Elmar 14-150 f3.5-5.6 Mega O.I.S. For Four-Thirds Mount


Brought onto the market by Panasonic in 2007, this lens was my permanent buddy on one of my 4/3 Panasonic L1 bodies. It always went with me on my holidays and it has seen a lot of action over the years.

Panasonic G81 - Panasonic-Leica Vario-Elmar 14-150 f3.5-5.6


Panasonic G81 - Panasonic-Leica Vario-Elmar 14-150 f3.5-5.6



Panasonic G81 - Panasonic-Leica Vario-Elmar 14-150 f3.5-5.6


 Panasonic G81 - Panasonic-Leica Vario-Elmar 14-150 f3.5-5.6


Panasonic G81 - Panasonic-Leica Vario-Elmar 14-150 f3.5-5.6




Weight: 520g
Size: 90mm x 79mm
Aperture: f3.5 - f22
MFD: 50cms
Filter: 72mm
Price: €1000

I believe I paid in the region of €1200 for ...


posted by Dil on 03/04/17 16:00  under Lenses

comments (1)  4961

Thursday, February 16, 2017

My Favourite Kit Lenses


Every manufacturer bring their cameras to market with a standard (normally sub-par) kit lens. Normally I discard these as “not-up-to-my-standard” and they end up in a corner somewhere. The only reason I get some of these lenses is when I can’t find a body only offer but sometimes these lenses surprise me with their image quality. Some of them are not to be discarded as I stated above, “sub-par”.

There are times a lens comes out ...


posted by Dil on 02/16/17 15:30  under Lenses

comments (0)  2742

Friday, February 10, 2017

Panasonic G81 and the 12-60 f3.5-5.6 Power O.I.S. Kit Lens


The Panasonic 12-60 f3.5-5.6 is the kit lens that accompanies the new G81 camera. It was either get the camera only or get the kit with the lens for a pittance more. I selected the second option. I’m certain I can sell it on a popular auction portal for a higher price than what I paid for it if need be.

It has Power O.I.S. built in so theoretically using this in conjunction with the ...


posted by Dil on 02/10/17 14:15  under Cameras

comments (0)  3916

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Panasonic 14-42 f3.5-5.6 PZ Power O.I.S.


Having just tested the Olympus 14-42 f3.5-5.6 EZ I was expecting the same sort of performance from this lens. Lets just look at these two for a minute; both are 14-42mm, both are f3.5-5.6 and both have a power zoom (or electronic zoom). Lets see the specs for the lens:

Panasonic Lumix G Vario 14-42 f3.5-5.6 PZ Power O.I.S.
Weight: 95g
Size: 27mm x 61mm
Aperture: f3.5 - f22
MFD: 20cm
Filter: 37mm
Price: €330

Olympus E-M10 II - Panasonic 14-42 f3.5-5.6 PZ



Olympus E-M10 II - Panasonic 14-42 f3.5-5.6 PZ




posted by Dil on 01/14/17 17:00  under Lenses

comments (0)  3388

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Olympus 14-42 EZ f3.5-5.6


Nice and compact, very light and allows you to put this, attached to an Olympus E-M10 or E-M10 II, in your jacket pocket. All the lens has on the outside is the zoom ring, and that is it.


Olympus 14-42 f3.5-5.6 EZ (28 - 84mm in 35mm terms)
Weight: 91g
Size: 23mm x 61mm
Aperture: f3.5 - f22
MFD: 25cm
Filter: 37mm
Price: €280


 Olympus E-M10 II - Olympus 14-42 f3.5-5.6 EZ


Olympus E-M10 II - Olympus 14-42 f3.5-5.6 EZ



Olympus E-M10 II - Olympus 14-42 f3.5-5.6 EZ



Olympus E-M10 II - Olympus 14-42 f3.5-5.6 EZ



Olympus E-M10 II - Olympus 14-42 f3.5-5.6 EZ




posted by Dil on 01/07/17 14:30  under Lenses

comments (0)  3750

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Olympus 12-50 f3.5-6.3 EZ


This lens (or my copy) can't be described as Olympus' greatest achievement. I think this was the kit lens with one of the earliest EM models. Forgot which but it doesn't really matter.


Olympus 12-50 f3.5 - 6.3 EZ (24-100 35mm equivalent)
Weight: 212g
Size: 83mm x 57mm
Aperture: f3.5 - f22
MFD: 20cm
Filter: 52mm
Price: €230


Olympus E-M10II - Olympus 12-50 f3.5-6.3EZ



Olympus E-M10II - Olympus 12-50 f3.5-6.3EZ



Olympus E-M10II - Olympus 12-50 f3.5-6.3EZ



Olympus E-M10II - Olympus 12-50 f3.5-6.3EZ



I like the range 24mm - 100mm in FF ...


posted by Dil on 01/01/17 14:00  under Lenses

comments (0)  3927

Sunday, December 25, 2016

My Outlook On 2017


It has been an interesting 2016 for all mirrorless systems ranging from Sony to Fujifilm to Olympus and Panasonic. Canon have come out with their latest model the M5 but a little late in my opinion. They have a lot of ground to make up over the established manufacturers and whether they’ll catch up is anyone's guess, but I won’t be investing in that system any time soon. Nikon have lost the thread and haven’t ...


posted by Dil on 12/25/16 15:30  under General

comments (0)  3041

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Mitakon (ZY Optics) Speedmaster Pro Ver.(M67) “The Dark Knight” 50mm f0.95 for FE Mount


Having a preference for the 50mm lens, it stands to reason I own a lot of lenses in this focal length. A lot of photographers find the focal length boring, preferring the 35mm view. Not me though, I prefer the 50mm.

Before I go on any further, if you are thinking of purchasing this lens, there are two versions. My version, “The Dark Knight” came out only 3 months after the original version.




posted by Dil on 12/18/16 13:30  under Lenses

comments (0)  1879

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Two Panasonic GM5 Cameras Do London


This post has taken a really long time appear here; I never seemed to get around to it, or something else took priority. Anyway, better late than never. Before I begin I would just like to mention that throughout 2016 my Panasonic GM5 cameras have seen a tremendous amount of use. I was quite surprised when I realised that all major holidays/breaks/visits this year were done with the Panasonic GM5 cameras. I think this shows ...


posted by Dil on 12/14/16 22:20  under Cameras

comments (0)  2165

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Update: 135mm Lens - Samyang 135mm f2 for E Mount




One of my first post was about using 135mm legacy lenses on mirrorless systems. Since then I've acquired another 135mm lens but not one that can be adapted to all systems. The original post was about legacy lenses easily adapted to modern digital mirrorless systems via a cheap dumb adapter.

This new lens has an FE Sony mount as the Sony native lens selection is rather lacking. I have some A mount lenses but ...


posted by Dil on 11/27/16 14:30  under Lenses

comments (0)  4599

Friday, November 11, 2016

Panasonic Leica DG Summilux 15mm F1.7 ASPH


What a beautiful little lens. Comes with a hood and a rubber cap to cover the front element that doesn’t come off when you take it out of your bag. This lens just smells of Leica.

It’s got Leica in the name and although it’s not built by Leica the quality is visibly superior to your normal Panasonic built lenses. They are built to Leica specifications which was a real coup for Panasonic. Quality is much ...


posted by Dil on 11/11/16 20:00  under Lenses

comments (0)  2752

Friday, November 11, 2016

Samyang 100 f2.8 Macro for FE-Mount


After the purchase of the Samyang 135mm f2 lens, and being very impressed by the image quality I decided to acquire the Samyang 100mm f2.8 Macro also in the E-mount version (I know I've said it before but I'll say it again anyway, there's no way I'm going to pay Sony the prices they're asking for their newer lenses). I did look at the Zeiss equivalent but I had to pick myself up off the ...


posted by Dil on 11/11/16 12:45  under Lenses

comments (0)  3443

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Olympus Pen-F . An Update


After my initial setup of the Pen-F I took it out on my normal testing route with the Olympus 14-150 f4.0-5.6 II mounted on it. I also have the original version of this lens and have used it extensively when I've been travelling. I've noticed lately that my original has become de-centered on one side and is quite noticeable when looking closely at the images. The question was, get it repaired or purchase the second ...


posted by Dil on 11/10/16 10:15  under Cameras

comments (0)  3160

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Sailing On The Italian West Coast With A Couple Of Panasonic GM5s


You may have noticed a lack of posts in September, that’s because of a lack of time in the first half and a sailing holiday in the second. Yes, a sailing holiday. In all we were five guests on the boat and two crew members. Two crew were necessary because the five us hadn’t a clue about sailing, but that didn’t deter us from enjoying the trip. The boat was a 54 footer with 3 ...


posted by Dil on 10/16/16 16:15  under General

comments (0)  2406

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Cornwall - The South West of England


I’ve always wanted to go down to Cornwall, but never quite managed it. Don’t ask me why I want to go there but I suppose it’s to do with it’s history and the rugged coastline I’ve been hearing a lot about. The small harbours nestling among the ragged cliffs. Sounds great doesn’t it?

Well, a few weeks ago I had a chance to do just that and my wife and myself stayed in Cornwall for a ...


posted by Dil on 08/27/16 13:40  under General

comments (0)  2157

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Sony E PZ 18 - 105 f4 G OSS


Just like with all of my other systems I like a single lens that covers most of my shooting focal length needs when out on a walk and I don't know what to expect at my destination. I would have bought an FF lens for my A7x cameras but I couldn't really find one except the 24-240. The problem with that lens is  it's heavy may spoil my walk. So I found one of these ...


posted by Dil on 08/20/16 16:00  under Lenses

comments (0)  4597

Monday, August 8, 2016

Olympus Pen-F


I’m sure we all do it from time to time; just browsing the Internet to see what’s new, what’s on offer, and if there’s any acquisitions to made, on the cheap that is. Well, I was guilty of this a few weeks back and I came across something I was hoping I was not going to see. An Olympus Pen-F with the 17 f1.8. And it was at a price I just couldn’t say no ...


posted by Dil on 08/08/16 11:30  under Cameras

comments (0)  8818

Sunday, August 7, 2016

My X-Mount Lens Solution (Partly Solved)


My last post was just me philosophising a little about what X-Mount lenses to buy or not. I still haven’t acquired the Fujinon 10-24 f4 because it’s just too expensive. Can’t justify it, and if I personally say that about a lens then it’s got to be serious. It doesn't mean that I've given up on that lens though, it's just on hold.


I decided to go another route with my X-Mount lenses with ...


posted by Dil on 08/07/16 19:00  under Lenses

comments (0)  3155

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Fujifilm Announcements


With the announcement of the Fuji X-T2 things have got interesting again in the Fujifilm world. Why? Because of the little joystick at the back of the camera. Simple as that. I have the same thing on the back of the Sony A900 camera and it's something I appreciate very much, and something I use quite a bit. Only with the Fuji it's become more accurate as you have a lot more focusing points to ...


posted by Dil on 07/20/16 21:00  under Cameras

comments (0)  2025

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Polarizers (Circular and Linear)


I think, together with ND filers, this is the only type of filter I now use with my digital cameras. It's the only filter that cannot be reproduced in post processing.

The polarizing filter (also known as a Pol filter) can actually do more than darken a blue sky. It can take away reflections from windows or dampen reflections from wet leaves. It also lengthens your shutter speed by up to 2 stops. Those are things ...


posted by Dil on 07/13/16 19:45  under General

comments (0)  3222

Saturday, June 4, 2016

The Fujifilm Equipment Revival


I've been neglecting my Fujifilm equipment of late as I've favoured my M43 systems, especially my Panasonic GM5 cameras and their extremely small lenses. However since I purchased the X-T10 as a backup camera for my X-T1 and being extremely impressed with the image quality I took my Fuji system for an extended weekend break. This is the first time I've actually only taken a Fuji system with me without a camera from another system.


posted by Dil on 06/04/16 19:15  under Cameras

comments (2)  2664

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Fujifilm X-T10 and the 18-55 f2.8-4.0 OIS "KIT LENS"


Many have called the X-T10 the X-T1’s brother and to be honest I have to agree with that comment. Image quality is the same, as the innards are really the same. There are a few points where the X-T1 has the upper hand over the X-T10 but it’s nothing really major. To me anyway. (E.G. Higher resolution EVF and magnification).


I find the body of the X-T10 to be quite small but if you ...


posted by Dil on 05/25/16 20:34  under Cameras

comments (0)  2936

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Photographer's Block


I think photographers sometimes hit a spot at some stage where nothing seems to go right and the juices don't seem to flow. I suppose it's something similar to a writer's block where they sit in front of a blank page (or screen nowadays) and they just can't start writing. Or, they start writing knowing in their hearts it's total rubbish. It could be because of a lack of ideas, inspiration, conviction or even boredom.

It ...


posted by Dil on 05/21/16 19:46  under General

comments (0)  1853

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Commlite Update + Canon 40 f2.8 STM


I had the opportunity the other day to go for a little walk and I took along the Sony A7II with the Canon 40 f2.8 STM mounted via the Commlite EF - E mount adapter. I have now set back-button AF on all my Sony Alpha cameras but I just couldn't get this to work using the adapter. It's probably not supported so I used the top button in the usual way. Maybe someone out ...


posted by Dil on 04/09/16 14:00  under Lenses

comments (0)  2735

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

UPDATED: Panasonic GM5.


UPDATE: 05.04.2016

I thought I would update this piece with a couple of images from this camera that has been printed on Alubond at 60cm x 45cms and both are hanging on my wall as I write this. My wife wasn't impressed by my choice and she stated clearly she wouldn't have picked either for printing. That's when sh was seeing the two on the screen. Yes, they didn't look at all impressive when viewed ...


posted by Dil on 04/05/16 00:59  under Cameras

comments (0)  3508

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Short Post about my Panasonic GM5 Love Affair.


I believe I've mentioned that the Panasonic GM5 really got my attention after I took it with me to the south of France last year (as an afterthought). The camera and the lenses made for it are so small and light you really don't realise that you're carrying them around with you.

I normally use the two lenses made for it; the 12-32 f3.5-5.6 OIS and the 35-100 f4.0-5.6 OIS. These two lenses were especially ...


posted by Dil on 03/30/16 03:00  under Cameras

comments (0)  2847

Friday, March 25, 2016

Micro Four-Thirds Musings


A lot of users swear by full frame cameras reasoning that depth of field can be mastered best with this format. True, DOF can be better achieved with this format but it all depends what you shoot. Landscape photographers try to get MORE DOF rather than less. So that argument doesn't hold up all of the time. It also doesn't mean that it's impossible to achieve a shallow DOF with other formats. I personally use ...


posted by Dil on 03/25/16 10:30  under General

comments (0)  2483

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Adapters - Follow-up Post



My last post was regarding adapters for using Canon EF lenses on Sony E-mount and M43 systems. Having tested a few lenses I felt I could post again with some more information with a few images to show the results of using those lenses on the Sony E-mount.

Firstly, the Commlite adapter. I've only tested the Canon 40 f2.8 STM lens on a Sony E-mount camera as of this post so I'll probably test ...


posted by Dil on 03/20/16 09:20  under General

comments (0)  3513

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Adapters for EF to E and m4/3 Mount Cameras


Adapters for EF to E and m4/3 Mount Cameras

(Plus some more ramblings)


The reason for my purchase of the Sony Alpha Axx cameras when they first came out was to have an FF sensor (a very good sensor) in a small and light package. Since my first purchase I must admit that GAS got the better of me and now I have a few of these little marvels. Each has it's own use ...


posted by Dil on 03/02/16 19:00  under General

comments (0)  4131

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Zeiss Tessar 85mm f4 ZM


                                   Zeiss T* 85 F4 Tessar ZM

Sometimes, just sometimes you purchase a new piece of equipment and you just fall in love with it. This is the experience I had after purchasing the Zeiss Tessar 85 f4 lens. It's just a wonderful piece of engineering. It's actually quite compact at 95mm with a diameter of 54mm but I class it as being quite hefty weighing in at 310g. As a matter of fact I wanted ...


posted by Dil on 02/27/16 15:26  under Lenses

comments (0)  10486

Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Fanboy. It's a bit of a derogatory term for someone defending something to the bitter end.

posted by Dil on 02/23/16 09:29  under General

comments (0)  4932

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Adobe CC Keyboard Shortcuts

Adobe CC keyboard shortcut sheets.


posted by Dil on 12/26/15 12:37  under General

comments (0)  6740

Sunday, December 28, 2014

135mm Lenses on the Sony A7r




When I was using my Canon 5D (still have it just not using it much) the 135mm f2 L lens was one of my favourites. The focal length just suited my style of photography and, let's face it, the 135mm f2 lens is one of the sharpest lenses ever made. Those who argue with that last statement must have purchased a "Monday morning lens" or just aquired a bad copy. So when I ...


posted by Dil on 12/28/14 16:00  under Lenses

comments (0)  3399

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Some "Post" Thoughts

After finishing my first real post about some manual lenses ont he Sony A7r, I had a little break and thought about that actual post I did.


My admiration is growing for those bloggers that manage to get one or more posts out each day. It took me some time to get everything posted as I wanted, and I'm not taliking about hours. It took me a couple of days to get it done. ...


posted by Dil on 12/21/14 16:13  under General

comments (0)  2378

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Some 50mm, 75mm and 100mm manual focus lenses on the Sony A7r




Over the years I have accumulated a number of manual focus lenses from Olympus, Nikon, Minolta, Zeiss, Canon among others. All of these lenses have been tested (read used) on APS-C and M4/3 cameras with good results for most of them. Those lenses that didn't pass the test on those cameras have no chance of passing on a full frame camera for the simple reason that the sensor uses the sweet spot of ...


posted by Dil on 12/04/14 15:30  under Lenses

comments (0)  2765

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Initial Blog Post

Some of you may have noticed that this is a new section I've been thinking about for some time. I already have a photoblog going so why the normal blog? Well, I find the photoblog a bit restrictive for some subjects that I would like to post about and let's face it, a photoblog is just that, somewhere to post your images and nothing more.

This blog will most definately not be a daily thing but ...


posted by Dil on 11/30/14 16:41  under General

comments (0)  12297


I'm an enthusiastic photographer who likes to tinker with manual lenses on most camera formats.


-Monday, May 1, 2023
-Saturday, April 1, 2023
-Wednesday, March 1, 2023
-Saturday, February 11, 2023
-Wednesday, February 1, 2023