Dil Roberts Photography

Olympus mZD 75-300 II
Voigtlaender Nokton 40 f1.4
Voigtlaender Skopar 50 f2.5 on the Nex-5N V
Voigtlaender Skopar 50 f2.5 on the Nex-5N VII
Light is what's it all about.
Summer II
Super Bike
Voigtlaender Skopar 50 f2.5 on the Nex-5N III
Voigtlaender Skopar 50 f2.5 IV
Sigma 19 f2.8 for Nex IV

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Olympus OM-D with the mZD 45 f1.8

Olympus OM-D with the mZD 45 f1.8

You may have noticed that I don't really mount Panasonic lenses on Olympus bodies or vice verca. I prefer to mount native lenses on native bodies. I.e. Olympus lenses on Olympus bodies and the same goes for Panasonic. What I'm waiting for now is that pro body from Panasonic because I've been disappointed with the body selection of late. Aiming in the wrong direction for my taste. As I write this they have just relesed a press statement about the G5 but that isn't a pro body either.
Some might be wondering what I mean by a pro body. Well, the Panasonic bodies are made mostly of plastic and the feel isn't up to the Olympus bodies. The GF1 which was the first body on the market does however feel great. It's just been down hill from there on.
Focal Length: 45 mm
Aperture: f/1.8
Exposure Time: 1/160 sec
ISO: 400
Dil 08/26/12 19:01     comments (0)
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• Olympus • OM-D • E-M5 • mZD 45 f1.8