Some time ago a colleague of mine pruchased this system and has ever since used it for his holiday trips. He says it's quick, sharp and produces nice files. I wasn't tempted because the price was really too high for a system like this when it was first imtroduced. After all, it does have a small sensor in there reducing the dynamic range of the images. Noise was a factor too.
However, at the end of 2012, Nikon reduced the price of the V1 system and since I was still getting some input from my colleague I decided to purchase the system (body + 2 lenses) at a very good price.
The image is what I purchased: Nikon V1 (because of the inbuilt viewfinder), the 10-30 kit lens together with the 10mm and 18.5mm lenses.
In the following posts you will see some inages taken from my first outing with this system.