Dil Roberts Photography

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Panasonic G X Vario 35-100 f2.8 HD

Panasonic G X Vario 35-100 f2.8 HD

Panasonic Lumix G X Vario 35-100 f2.8 Power O.I.S HD

This is a combination I really haven't tried much. Don't ask me why because I think it's a great lens that gives the images a certain pop and is very sharp, even at f2.8. When you consider the size of the full frame 70-200 f2.8 zooms you really appreciate the size and weight of these newer m4/3 lenses. They don't come close to the size and weight of those, and as everybody keeps mentioning, it's at the end of the day that you appreciate it when your back and arms don't complain and you still have enough energy to something else.

Partner this up with the 12-35 f2.8 and the 25 f1.4 (which I do) then you have the Holly Trinity of Panasonic m4/3 lenses. You are covered from 24 - 200 in 35mm terms with the 25 f1.4 for low light work. All of the above mentioned lenses are sharp with great micro contrast. That focal range will cover everything a photographer might need when going out on a normal working day. I have read of people putting these lenses on an Olympus body and they seem to work fine. I just have one reservation on this; CA. On Panasonic bodies the CA should be removed in camera automatically but it is not on an Olympus body. No problem you say if it's removed automatically but in my experience is that CA is not removed completely. Maybe I'm wrong here but since I'm a raw shooter I was under the impression that this is also done to those raw files. If I'm wrong, please correct me. Now, if I'm getting CA when using it on a Panasonic body then what's it going to be like on an Olympus body.

Only one way to find out and I'm going to be testing all 3 lenses on an Olympus OM-D. When I don't know, but the sooner the better as I would like to know this myself as soon as possible. If it's not too bad then I will be using these lenses with a mix of Olympus and Panasonic bodies. The reason for that is that I feel the 30-100 f2.8 would handle better with a bigger body than the G5. Maybe a GH3 would be better because of the grip and it's a little bigger than the G5. The G5 just feels too small and light to me with this lens mounted as I don't think it's quite stable enough. I have the grip for the OM-D and it's a little heavier than the G5 and that would work too. I just have to go out and test it. The 12-35 f2.8 handles ok on the G5 and I have no problem using that combination.

Focal Length: 35 mm
Aperture: f/2.8
Exposure Time: 1/3200 sec
ISO: 160
Dil 07/24/13 19:00     comments (0)
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• Panasonic • G5 • 35-100 f2.8