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Nikkor VR 6.7-13 f3.5-5.6 Appetizer

Nikkor VR 6.7-13 f3.5-5.6 Appetizer

The Nikon 1 camera system is quite amazing. It is small, fast with very accurate WB and focusing. What's not to like. On top of that it has some amazingly sharp lenses, including the zoom lenses and they are sharp wide open.

I think the best thing this system has got going for it is the battery lasts for EVER! When I look at the Fuji system, the batteries die on you before you've turned on the system nearly. OK, that might be a little over exaggerated but it certainy feels like it. As much as I like the Fuji X cameras that is one of the bad points about it. They really should get that sorted out. I have the grip for my X-E1 and it's a pain in the a**e every time I have to change batteries. Please Fuji, take note.

As a side note that Nikon battery is the same one they use in their DSLR systems, so it's no wonder they last forever in the 1 system.

The image above is just an appetizer to show the detail captured by 6.7-13 f3.5-5.6 lens. I have to take more images with this lens to be able to post some more but at present, it looks very promising. More on this lens later.

Focal Length: 13 mm
Aperture: f/5.6
Exposure Time: 1/1250 sec
ISO: 100
Dil 08/25/13 19:00     comments (0)
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• Nikon • V1 • 6.7-13 f3.5-5.6