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Fujinon XF 55-200 f3.5-4.8 R LM OIS

Fujinon XF 55-200 f3.5-4.8 R LM OIS

Having thought about this purchase for some time, I came to the conclusion that I needed something longer for this system. The 18-55 kit lens is really a great lens but it's lacking on the long end for me personally. I like to be able to zoom in quite a bit and was one reason why the camera was being left on the shelf while others got to go out.

So, what's the lens like? Nice, but, it is a little front heavy on the X-E1. I don't find it very well balanced and I have to concentrate to hold the system steady. After taking a shot I'm not exactly sure if I actually got a sharp image or not and I tend to take multiple shots to make sure I did. However, after looking at the images from the lens I can conffirm that it takes very nice looking images and quite sharp. Bokeh is wonderful and I'll be posting some examples of bokeh in the coming days.

One thing I have noticed is that he zoom ring is rather stiff and I'm sure that it's going to loosen up as I use the lens. I don't like a ring that's too loose but this one is quite hard to turn.

If you look at the image above, you may be able to imagine why it's front heavy. The X-E1 looks quite small and even though I've got the grip on the X-E1 it doesn't fully compensate for the lens weight. The lens is a keeper though and I'm hoping to get some nice images from the lens in the coming years because this system isn't going anywhere.

P.S. I know the lens looks kind of dirty on the image.

Focal Length: unknown
Aperture: unknown
Exposure Time: unknown
ISO: unknown
Dil 12/10/13 19:00     comments (0)
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 Viewed 1097
• Fujifilm • X-E1 • 55-200 f3.4-4.8