Dil Roberts Photography

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Fujifilm X-T1 - Fujinon XF 35 f1.4 R

Fujifilm X-T1 - Fujinon XF 35 f1.4 R

You sometimes, well I do anyway, get attached to lens that makes you want to out and use it. The X-T1 mounting the 35 f1.4 certainly is one of these lenses. I'm not certain what the performance is on the X-E1 or X-E2 because I haven't had the time to try the combinations yet, but I can't see the 35 f1.4 performing any worse (except for a quick test on the X-E1). The Fujifilm X system is certainly growing and there's a lot of demand for their cameras right now, and after testing this conbination, I can see why. I like the files, metering is great and the system as a whole is a lot smaller than the DSLR systems. Being smaller is a major point for me personally these days as I'm not getting any younger and weight does become a factor if I'm going out all day or on holiday. This is the future as I see it and, although it might take some time, the DSLR is on the out. Just my opinion of course, and you may disagree with that.

Focal Length: 35 mm
Aperture: f/4.0
Exposure Time: 1/900 sec
ISO: 200
Dil 05/14/14 19:00     comments (0)
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• Fujifilm • X-T1 • 35 f1.4