Dil Roberts Photography


Sunday, December 18, 2022

Small Light Prime Lenses


This post is actually just to say hello again after a longish break and I plan to start posting againso there will be more to follow. Quite a few of these will be about some new hardware that has been added to my shelves during my 3 year absence. I hope will join me on my journey again.

I lost my way somewhat as well as my mojo but thankfully my interest has been rekindled and I'm actively taking up photography again. It was a bit like hibernating for a couple of years. I have also been on Youtube and have avidly been watching some fantastic photography channels. Some have been not quite as good as others but a few have really were an eye-opener for me.

I like using prime lenses but really don't produce any good images when I do use them. I tend to have telescopic vision when I view the world so samall wide primes have been a disappointment to me. The lenses are fantastic, it's me that's causing problems. Because of this I haven't really been using prime lenses lately but one Youtube channel in particular has insired me to get out and use them again (E6 Vlogs). He reminded me that to be proficient at anything in life you have to train and then train some more. So I'll have to get out and teach my eye on how to use these lenses, and I don't mean wide vistas etc. These will be more cityscapes (street photography) and detail images more than anything. I really do believe that when the eye starts "seeing" with these lenses

I will enjoy these small primes again. He also uses the Olympus MFT system with the 17mm and 25mm lenses, giving a focal length of 35mm and 50mm full frame equivalent. So I have both the cameras and lenses and I will be going into town in the next few days to start this new project. I just need to remind myself that Rome wasn't built in a day.

Olympus Pen-F - Olympus 25 f1.8


Olympus Pen-F - Olympus 25 f1.8


Olympus Pen-F - Panasonic Lunix 42.5 f1.7


Olympus Pen-F - Panasonic Lunix 42.5 f1.7


Olympus Pen-F - Panasonic Lunix 42.5 f1.7


Olympus Pen-F - Olympus 17 f2.8


Olympus Pen-F - Olympus 17 f2.8


Olympus Pen-F - Olympus 17 f2.8


Olympus Pen-F - Panasonic 14 f2.5


Olympus Pen-F - Panasonic 14 f2.5


Olympus Pen-F - Olympus 45 f1.8


Olympus Pen-F - Olympus 45 f1.8


Olympus Pen-F - Olympus 45 f1.8


Olympus Pen-F - Olympus 12 f2.0


Olympus Pen-F - Olympus 12 f2.0



There is another way to do this of course and it's with the Fujifilm system. These cameras won't replace all of my lenses because the X100 series has a fixed lens. The X100 series of cameras are small and light and deliver excellent image quality. They have a 23mm f2 lens (equivalent to 35mm on full frame). If I want a 50mm equivalent lens then I could just attach the focal length extender that Fujifilm offers.


Fujifilm X100S


Fujifilm X100S



Fujifilm X100S


If you're wondering what that handstrap is it's the Wii game console.

Very cheap and effective.


However, the X100 series aren't the fastest focusing cameras on the market and the lenses are known to be soft at f2, which is where I would like to use the lens. There is a solution to this lens and focusing problem and it's called the X100V. But more on that in another post because right now Fuji have stopped taking orders for this camera as production can't keep up with demand. When has that happened in recent years? I have one on order but it might be a long time before I get it. They have updated the lens to a second version and focusing is also much better. The body now is waterproof is you also get the filter for the lens. You have to admit, it is a good looking camera.


Fujifilm X100V



Fujifilm X100V


Comes in 2 colours: Silver and black




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I'm an enthusiastic photographer who likes to tinker with manual lenses on most camera formats.


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